Movies like Body Snatchers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Body Snatchers with Billy Wirth, Christine Elise, Gabrielle Anwar & Terry Kinney & created by Abel Ferrara?

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A teenage girl and her father discover alien clones are replacing humans on a remote U.S. military base in Alabama.

TAGLINE: "Imagine... you're gone and someone else is living inside your body."

Its release date is Wednesday June 9, 1993

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alien, Alien Infection, Alien Invasion, Alien Invasions, Distrust, Escape, Extraterrestrial Life, Military Base, Remake & Soldier
Genre Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Abel Ferrara
Starring Billy Wirth, Christine Elise, Gabrielle Anwar & Terry Kinney
Place Alabama
Location Alabama
Written by Dennis Paoli (screenplay), Jack Finney (novel), Larry Cohen (screen story), Nicholas St. John (screenplay), Raymond Cistheri (screen story) & Stuart Gordon (screenplay)
Cinematography Bojan Bazelli
Music Joe Delia
Runtime 87 min

Other Horror movies written by Dennis Paoli (screenplay)

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