Movies like Bolt to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Animation, Comedy & Family movie Bolt with John Travolta, Mark Walton, Miley Cyrus & Susie Essman & created by Byron Howard, Chris Williams & Chris Williams (director)?

Movies like Bolt with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bolt?

The canine star of a fictional sci-fi/action show that believes his powers are real embarks on a cross country trek to save his co-star from a threat he believes is just as real.

TAGLINE: "Fully Awesome. Ridonculous. Let It Begin."

Its release date is Friday November 21, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animal, Animal Lead, Animals, Animated Cats, Animated Dogs, Cat Vs Dog, Dog Cat Friendship, Dogs, Duringcreditsstinger, Family, Hamster, Human Animal Relationship & Kids And Family
Genre Adventure, Animation, Comedy & Family
Country The United States
Director Byron Howard, Chris Williams & Chris Williams (director)
Starring John Travolta, Mark Walton, Miley Cyrus & Susie Essman
Place Las Vegas Valley, Los Angeles, New York (state) & Ohio
Written by Chris Williams (screenplay by) & Dan Fogelman (screenplay by)
Music John Powell (composer)
Runtime 96 min

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