Movies like Bon Cop Bad Cop to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Crime movie Bon Cop Bad Cop with Colm Feore, Michel Beaudry, Patrice Bélanger & Patrick Huard & created by Erik Canuel?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bon Cop Bad Cop?

Two Canadian detectives, one from Ontario and the other from Quebec, must work together when a murdered victim is found on the Ontario Quebec border line.

TAGLINE: "Shoot First Translate Later"

Its release date is Thursday July 6, 2006

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Buddy Cop, Canada, Killer, Murder & Police
Genre Action, Comedy & Crime
Country Canada
Director Erik Canuel
Starring Colm Feore, Michel Beaudry, Patrice Bélanger & Patrick Huard
Place Montreal & Toronto
Location Montreal & Ottawa
Written by Alex Epstein, Kevin Tierney (script), Leila Basen & Patrick Huard (scenario)
Runtime 116 min