Movies like Bond: Kizuna to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Thriller movie Bond: Kizuna with Casey Gagliardi, Cortney Palm, Hidetoshi Imura & Sonny Chiba & created by Ryuji Yamakita?

Movies like Bond: Kizuna with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bond: Kizuna?

In the heart of Tokyo, Tatsumi; The Godfather of a notorious yakuza clan is killed by his ambitious right hand man Gondo. Gondo leaves for Los Angeles to expand his territory. Tatsumi's ...
Its release date is Sunday June 30, 2019

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Genre Action, Drama & Thriller
Director Ryuji Yamakita
Starring Casey Gagliardi, Cortney Palm, Hidetoshi Imura & Sonny Chiba
Written by Anna Andersen & Ryuji Yamakita
Runtime 120 min