Movies like Braddock: Missing in Action III to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & War movie Braddock: Missing in Action III with Aki Aleong, Chuck Norris, Miki Kim & Roland Harrah III & created by Aaron Norris?

Movies like Braddock: Missing in Action III with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Braddock: Missing in Action III?

Braddock mounts a one-man assault to free his wife and son who are still being held in a Vietnam prison camp.

TAGLINE: "He's fighting for everyone who can't fight back."

Its release date is Friday January 22, 1988

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Central Intelligence Agency Fiction, Long Abandoned, Orphanage, Rescue mission & Vietnam Veteran
Genre Action & War
Country United States of America
Director Aaron Norris
Starring Aki Aleong, Chuck Norris, Miki Kim & Roland Harrah III
Place Thailand
Time 1975 & 1987
Location Philippines
Written by Arthur Silver (characters), Chuck Norris, James Bruner, Larry Levinson (characters) & Steve Bing (characters)
Runtime 101 min

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Sidekicks | Dec 17th, 1992

5.0/10 | By Aaron Norris
The United States | Action, Adventure & Drama
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The Hitman | May 1st, 1991

The Hitman
5.4/10 | By Aaron Norris & Xavier Gens
Canada & The United States | Action, Crime & Thriller
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