Movies like Bride of the Werewolf to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Horror & Thriller movie Bride of the Werewolf with Jade Michael LaFont, Melissa Heflin, Natalie Hallead & Tony Brown & created by Mark Polonia?

Movies like Bride of the Werewolf with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bride of the Werewolf?

After two women are attacked on a desolate road they take refuge at the home of a kind-hearted stranger named Saul who harbors the dark secret of lycanthropy. Can a professor experimenting ...

TAGLINE: "This Honeymoon is going to be Hell!"

Its release date is Thursday September 19, 2019

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Topic Werewolf
Genre Action, Horror & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director Mark Polonia
Starring Jade Michael LaFont, Melissa Heflin, Natalie Hallead & Tony Brown
Written by Mark Polonia
Runtime 71 min