Movies like Broken Flowers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Mystery movie Broken Flowers with Bill Murray, Julie Delpy, Sharon Stone & Tilda Swinton & created by Jim Jarmusch?

Movies like Broken Flowers with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Broken Flowers?

As the extremely withdrawn Don Johnston is dumped by his latest woman, he receives an anonymous letter from a former lover informing him that he has a son who may be looking for him. A freelance sleuth neighbor moves Don to embark on a cross-country search for his old flames in search of answers.

TAGLINE: "Sometimes life brings some strange surprises."

Its release date is Tuesday May 17, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Amateur Detective, Anonymous Letter, Bachelor, Ex-boyfriend, Ex-girlfriend, It-expert, Midlife Crisis & Veterinarian
Genre Comedy, Drama & Mystery
Country France & The United States
Director Jim Jarmusch
Starring Bill Murray, Julie Delpy, Sharon Stone & Tilda Swinton
Place New Jersey
Location New Jersey & New York (state)
Written by Bill Raden (inspired by an idea from), Jim Jarmusch & Sara Driver (inspired by an idea from)
Cinematography Frederick Elmes
Music Mulatu Astatke
Runtime 106 min

Other Comedy movies by Jim Jarmusch

Paterson | Nov 17th, 2016

7.4/10 | By Jim Jarmusch
France & Germany | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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