Movies like Bullets Over Broadway to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Thriller movie Bullets Over Broadway with Chazz Palminteri, Dianne Wiest, Jennifer Tilly & John Cusack & created by Woody Allen?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bullets Over Broadway?

In New York in 1928, a struggling playwright is forced to cast a mobster's talentless girlfriend in his latest drama in order to get it produced.
Its release date is Friday October 14, 1994

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Topic 1920s, Actors, Author, Broadway, Lover (female), Mafia Boss, Playwright, Talent & Writers
Genre Action, Comedy & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Woody Allen
Starring Chazz Palminteri, Dianne Wiest, Jennifer Tilly & John Cusack
Place New York City & Theatre
Time 1928
Written by Douglas McGrath & Woody Allen
Cinematography Carlo Di Palma
Runtime 98 min

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Jade | Oct 13th, 1995

6.8/10 | By William Friedkin & Woody Allen
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Small Time Crooks | May 19th, 2000

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6.7/10 | By Woody Allen
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