Movies like By the People: The Election of Barack Obama to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie By the People: The Election of Barack Obama with Barack Obama & created by Alicia Sams & Amy Rice?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of By the People: The Election of Barack Obama?

Nearly a year before Barack Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency, two filmmakers began to roll cameras on the young senator. Over the next 19 months, across the USA, the daily events of the presidential campaign are chronicled.
Its release date is Monday November 9, 2009

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Topic Documentary Elections United States, Obama & Woman Director
Genre Documentary
Country The United States
Director Alicia Sams & Amy Rice
Starring Barack Obama
Time 2008 Popular Culture & United States Presidential Election
Written by N/A
Music Craig Wedren
Runtime 116 min

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