Movies like Cadaver to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Cadaver with Grey Damon, Louis Herthum, Shay Mitchell & Stana Katic & created by Diederik Van Rooijen?

Movies like Cadaver with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Cadaver?

When a cop who is just out of rehab takes the graveyard shift in a city hospital morgue, she faces a series of bizarre, violent events caused by an evil entity in one of the corpses.

TAGLINE: "Death is only the beginning."

Its release date is Thursday August 23, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cop, Corpse, Doctors & Hospitals, Entity, Hospital, Life after death, Morgue, Police, Police Officer, Rehabilitation & Violence
Genre Horror
Country The United States
Director Diederik Van Rooijen
Starring Grey Damon, Louis Herthum, Shay Mitchell & Stana Katic
Location Massachusetts
Written by Brian Sieve
Cinematography Lennert Hillege
Runtime N/A

Other Horror movies by Diederik Van Rooijen

Daylight | Aug 24th, 2013

7.0/10 | By David McCracken, Diederik Van Rooijen, Joel Townsend & Kaidan Tremain
The United States | Horror & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes

Cadaver | Aug 24th, 2006

5.3/10 | By Diederik Van Rooijen & Dulyasit Niyomgul
Thailand | Horror
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Horror movies written by Brian Sieve

Boogeyman 2 | Oct 20th, 2007

Boogeyman 2
5.2/10 | By Jeff Betancourt
The United States | Horror & Thriller
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Boogeyman 3 | Oct 17th, 2008

Boogeyman 3
4.7/10 | By Gary Jones
United States of America | Horror
Google Play Vudu YouTube iTunes