Movies like Candleshoe to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Family movie Candleshoe with David Niven, Helen Hayes, Jodie Foster & Leo McKern & created by Norman Tokar?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Candleshoe?

Small-time crook Harry Bundage discovers that the old manor house where Lady St. Edmund resides, with three orphans and her butler Priory is the resting place for a hoard of treasure. ...
Its release date is Friday December 16, 1977

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Genre Family
Director Norman Tokar
Starring David Niven, Helen Hayes, Jodie Foster & Leo McKern
Location England
Written by David Swift (screenplay), Michael Innes (book) & Rosemary Anne Sisson (screenplay)
Cinematography Paul Beeson
Music Ron Goodwin
Runtime 101 min

Other Family movies by Norman Tokar

The Cat from Outer Space | Jun 9th, 1978

The Cat from Outer Space
6.0/10 | By Norman Tokar
The United States | Comedy, Family & Science Fiction
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Follow Me, Boys! | Dec 1st, 1966

Follow Me, Boys!
7.2/10 | By Norman Tokar
The United States | Drama & Family
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Other Family movies written by David Swift (screenplay)

The Parent Trap | Jul 28th, 1998

The Parent Trap
6.5/10 | By Nancy Meyers
The United States | Comedy, Drama & Family
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