Movies like Capricorn One to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Thriller movie Capricorn One with Brenda Vaccaro, Elliott Gould, James Brolin & Sam Waterston & created by Peter Hyams?

Movies like Capricorn One with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Capricorn One?

A NASA Mars mission won't work, and its funding is endangered, so they decide to fake it just this once. But then they have to keep the secret.

TAGLINE: "The mission was a sham. The murders were real."

Its release date is Saturday December 10, 1977

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Astronauts, Beguilement, Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theories, Crop Duster, Helicopter, Hoaxes Fiction, Journalists, Mars & Missions to Mars, NASA, Planet Mars, Spacecraft & Texas
Genre Action, Drama & Thriller
Country United Kingdom
Director Peter Hyams
Starring Brenda Vaccaro, Elliott Gould, James Brolin & Sam Waterston
Written by Peter Hyams
Runtime 123 min

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