Movies like Caved In: Prehistoric Terror to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Science Fiction movie Caved In: Prehistoric Terror with Angela Featherstone, Christopher Atkins, Colm Meaney & Monica Bârlădeanu & created by Richard Pepin?

Movies like Caved In: Prehistoric Terror with the highest similarity score

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Disguised as extreme adventurers, a group of high profile thieves unknowingly lead a group of wealthy tourists on an expedition through an abandoned salt mine that is guarded by ancient creatures.
Its release date is Saturday January 7, 2006

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Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Director Richard Pepin
Starring Angela Featherstone, Christopher Atkins, Colm Meaney & Monica Bârlădeanu
Time 1948
Written by Neil Elman
Runtime 93 min

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