Movies like Center Stage to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Music, Musical & Romance movie Center Stage with Amanda Schull, Peter Gallagher, Susan May Pratt & Zoe Saldana & created by Nicholas Hytner?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Center Stage?

A group of 12 teenagers from various backgrounds enroll at the American Ballet Academy in New York to make it as ballet dancers and each one deals with the problems and stress of training and getting ahead in the world of dance.

TAGLINE: "Life doesn't hold tryouts."

Its release date is Friday May 12, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Ball, ballet, Ballet Dancer, Career, Competition, Dance, Dancer, Dancing & Ballet, Music & New York
Genre Drama, Music, Musical & Romance
Country The United States
Director Nicholas Hytner
Starring Amanda Schull, Peter Gallagher, Susan May Pratt & Zoe Saldana
Place New York City
Written by Carol Heikkinen
Cinematography Geoffrey Simpson
Music George Fenton
Runtime 115 min

Other Drama movies by Nicholas Hytner

The Lady in the Van | Nov 13th, 2015

The Lady in the Van
6.7/10 | By Nicholas Hytner
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Other Drama movies written by Carol Heikkinen

The Thing Called Love | Jul 16th, 1993

The Thing Called Love
6.3/10 | By Peter Bogdanovich
The United States | Drama, Music & Romance
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Empire Records | Sep 22nd, 1995

Empire Records
6.7/10 | By Allan Moyle
The United States | Comedy, Coming of age, Drama, Music & Musical
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