Movies like Centurion to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Drama movie Centurion with David Morrissey, Liam Cunningham, Michael Fassbender & Olga Kurylenko & created by Neil Marshall?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Centurion?

A splinter group of Roman soldiers fight for their lives behind enemy lines after their legion is devastated in a guerrilla attack.

TAGLINE: "History is written in blood"

Its release date is Monday February 15, 2010

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Ancient Rome, Ancient World, Behind Enemy Lines, Britain, Roman Empire, Sole Survivor, The Roman Empire & Rome, Violence & Warriors
Genre Action, Adventure & Drama
Country France, The United States & United Kingdom
Director Neil Marshall
Starring David Morrissey, Liam Cunningham, Michael Fassbender & Olga Kurylenko
Place Ancient Rome, Classical Antiquity, Fiction Roman Britain, Roman Empire & Scotland
Time 2nd Century
Written by Neil Marshall
Cinematography Sam McCurdy
Music Ilan Eshkeri
Runtime 97 min

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Dog Soldiers | May 10th, 2002

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6.8/10 | By Neil Marshall
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