Movies like Christine to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Christine with Alexandra Paul, John Stockwell, Keith Gordon & Robert Prosky & created by John Carpenter?

Movies like Christine with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Christine?

A nerdish boy buys a strange car with an evil mind of its own and his nature starts to change to reflect it.

TAGLINE: "How do you kill something that can't possibly be alive?"

Its release date is Thursday December 8, 1983

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animate Car, Anthropomorphism, Automobiles, Heimlich Maneuver, Inanimate Objects Coming To Life, Overprotective Parent, Smart Car & Teenager
Genre Horror
Country United States of America
Director John Carpenter
Starring Alexandra Paul, John Stockwell, Keith Gordon & Robert Prosky
Place California & Detroit
Time 1957 & 1978
Location Los Angeles
Written by Bill Phillips (screenplay) & Stephen King (novel)
Runtime 110 min

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