Movies like Chulas Fronteras to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary & Music movie Chulas Fronteras with Flaco Jiménez & created by Les Blank?

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"Chulas Fronteras" is a documentary about the music of the Mexican community on both sides of the Texas-Mexico border, particularly of migrant farmers. It includes material about the roots ...
Its release date is Thursday December 30, 1976

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Topic Documentary Music Musicians
Genre Documentary & Music
Director Les Blank
Starring Flaco Jiménez
Written by N/A
Runtime 58 min

Other Documentary movies by Les Blank

Burden of Dreams | May 30th, 1982

Burden of Dreams
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In Heaven There Is No Beer?
7.1/10 | By Les Blank
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Other Documentary movies written by N/A

Madonna: Truth or Dare | May 10th, 1991

Madonna: Truth or Dare
6.3/10 | By Alek Keshishian
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Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes