Movies like City of Shadows to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Thriller movie City of Shadows with Damian Lee, Marsha Levine, Paul Coufos & Tony Rosato & created by David Mitchell?

Movies like City of Shadows with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of City of Shadows?

In the same vein as Cain and Abel, here we have two brothers, one a renegade cop and the other a murderer with a taste for little boys. The brothers come to blows, from which only one can walk away.

TAGLINE: "He's a Good Cop..Living in a Bad Dream."

Its release date is Friday December 11, 1987

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Demons & Parallel Universes
Genre Action & Thriller
Country Canada
Director David Mitchell
Starring Damian Lee, Marsha Levine, Paul Coufos & Tony Rosato
Place Tokyo
Written by Damian Lee, Jacques Murray (story) & Steve Ippolito (story)
Runtime 92 min

Other Action movies written by Damian Lee

Breakout | Sep 4th, 2013

4.2/10 | By Damian Lee
Canada | Action & Thriller
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