Movies like Collateral Damage to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Thriller movie Collateral Damage with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Cliff Curtis, Elias Koteas & Francesca Neri & created by Andrew Davis?

Movies like Collateral Damage with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Collateral Damage?

After his family is killed by a terrorist act, a firefighter goes in search of the one responsible.

TAGLINE: "What would you do if you lost everything?"

Its release date is Wednesday February 6, 2002

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bomb Attack, Car Explosion, Colombia, Explosion, Fbi, Firefighting, Firemen, Revenge, Terrorism & Terrorist
Genre Action, Drama & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Andrew Davis
Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Cliff Curtis, Elias Koteas & Francesca Neri
Place D.C., Jungles & Washington
Location D.C., Los Angeles, Mexico & Washington
Written by David Griffiths (screenplay), David Griffiths (story), Peter Griffiths (screenplay), Peter Griffiths (story) & Ronald Roose (story)
Cinematography Adam Greenberg (cinematographer)
Music Graeme Revell
Runtime 108 min

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The Guardian | Sep 28th, 2006

The Guardian
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