Movies like Conan the Destroyer to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Fantasy movie Conan the Destroyer with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Grace Jones, Tracey Walter & Wilt Chamberlain & created by Richard Fleischer?

Movies like Conan the Destroyer with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Conan the Destroyer?

Conan leads a ragtag group of adventurers on a quest for a princess.

TAGLINE: "The most powerful legend of all is back in a new adventure."

Its release date is Friday June 29, 1984

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Barbarian, Lone Wolf, Magic, Royalty, Sword, Swordplay, Warrior Woman, Witchcraft & Wizard
Genre Action, Adventure & Fantasy
Country United States of America
Director Richard Fleischer
Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Grace Jones, Tracey Walter & Wilt Chamberlain
Place Country & Hyborian Age
Written by Gerry Conway (story by), Robert E. Howard (based on the character created by), Roy Thomas (story by) & Stanley Mann (screenplay by)
Cinematography Jack Cardiff
Music Basil Poledouris
Runtime 103 min

Other Action movies by Richard Fleischer

Mr. Majestyk | Jul 17th, 1974

Mr. Majestyk
6.8/10 | By Richard Fleischer
United States of America | Action, Crime & Thriller
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Red Sonja | Apr 9th, 1985

Red Sonja
5.0/10 | By Richard Fleischer
Netherlands | Action, Adventure & Fantasy
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The Spikes Gang | Apr 11th, 1974

The Spikes Gang
6.3/10 | By Richard Fleischer
United States of America | Action & Western
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