Movies like Convoy 48 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & War movie Convoy 48 with Anastasiya Tsibizova, Artem Alekseev, Artyom Melnichuk & Igor Yasulovich & created by Fyodor Popov?

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Yesterday's Leningrad schoolgirl Masha Yablochkina, after a fierce blockade winter of 1941-1942, comes to the railway courses hoping to survive and gain strength. From there, the girl is ...
Its release date is Wednesday May 8, 2019

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Genre Drama & War
Country Russia
Director Fyodor Popov
Starring Anastasiya Tsibizova, Artem Alekseev, Artyom Melnichuk & Igor Yasulovich
Written by Dmitriy Karalis & Fyodor Popov
Runtime 125 min