Movies like Crawl to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Thriller movie Crawl with George Shevtsov, Georgina Haig, Lauren Dillon & Paul Holmes & created by Paul China?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Crawl?
A seedy bar owner hires a mysterious Croatian to commit murder, but a planned double-crossing backfires when a young waitress is taken hostage. A suspenseful, yet darkly humorous chain of events builds to a bloodcurdling climax.
Its release date is Saturday October 15, 2011
Its release date is Saturday October 15, 2011
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Murder & Waitress |
Genre | Crime & Thriller |
Country | Australia |
Director | Paul China |
Starring | George Shevtsov, Georgina Haig, Lauren Dillon & Paul Holmes |
Written by | Paul China |
Runtime | 80 min |