Movies like Cries in the Night to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Cries in the Night with Barry Morse, Dean Garbett, Kay Hawtrey & Lesleh Donaldson & created by William Fruet?

Movies like Cries in the Night with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Cries in the Night?

A young woman arrives at her grandmother's house, which used to be a funeral home, to help her turn the place into a bed-and-breakfast inn. After they open, however, guests begin disappearing or turning up dead.

TAGLINE: "They were warned... they were all warned... don't go down to the cellar."

Its release date is Friday October 3, 1980

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cellar, Children, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Funeral, Funeral Homes Fiction, Grandfather, Independent Film, Maniac, Mass Murder, Mental Illness Fiction, Morgue, Occult, Proms, Psychopaths, Slasher & Twins
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country Canada
Director William Fruet
Starring Barry Morse, Dean Garbett, Kay Hawtrey & Lesleh Donaldson
Place Hotels
Time 1974
Location Toronto
Written by Ida Nelson (screenplay)
Cinematography Mark Irwin & Robert C. New
Music * Carl Zittrer * & Jerry Fielding
Runtime 93 min

Other Horror movies by William Fruet

Death Weekend | Sep 17th, 1976

Death Weekend
6.2/10 | By William Fruet
Canada | Horror & Thriller
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