Movies like Dagon to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Fantasy, Horror & Thriller movie Dagon with Ezra Godden, Francisco Rabal, Macarena Gómez & Raquel Meroño & created by Stuart Gordon?
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A boating accident runs a young man and woman ashore in a decrepit Spanish fishing town which they discover is in the grips of an ancient sea god and its monstrous half human offspring.
Its release date is Friday October 12, 2001
Its release date is Friday October 12, 2001
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Dream, Fishing Village, Mutant, Nightmare, Octopus, Sacrifice, Sibling Relationship & Spain |
Genre | Fantasy, Horror & Thriller |
Country | Spain |
Director | Stuart Gordon |
Starring | Ezra Godden, Francisco Rabal, Macarena Gómez & Raquel Meroño |
Written by | Dennis Paoli (screenplay) & H.P. Lovecraft (short stories "Dagon" and "The Shadow Over Innsmouth") |
Music | Carles Cases |
Runtime | 98 min |