Movies like Damien: Omen II to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Horror movie Damien: Omen II with Jonathan Scott-Taylor, Lee Grant, Robert Foxworth & William Holden & created by Don Taylor & Mike Hodges?

Movies like Damien: Omen II with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Damien: Omen II?

Damien the Antichrist, now thirteen years old, finally learns of his destiny under the guidance of an unholy disciple of Satan. Meanwhile dark forces begin to eliminate all those who suspect the child's true identity.

TAGLINE: "The first time was only a warning."

Its release date is Friday June 9, 1978

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anti-christ, Devil's Son, Occult, Prophecy & Secret Identity
Genre Action, Drama & Horror
Country The United States
Director Don Taylor & Mike Hodges
Starring Jonathan Scott-Taylor, Lee Grant, Robert Foxworth & William Holden
Place Chicago
Location Chicago
Written by David Seltzer (based on characters created by), Harvey Bernhard (story), Mike Hodges (screenplay) & Stanley Mann (screenplay)
Cinematography Bill Butler (cinematographer)
Music Jerry Goldsmith
Runtime 107 min

Other Action movies by Don Taylor

The Final Countdown | Jan 31st, 1980

The Final Countdown
6.7/10 | By Don Taylor
United States of America | Action, Science Fiction & War
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