Movies like Dangerous Ishhq to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Romance & Thriller movie Dangerous Ishhq with Karisma Kapoor & Rajneesh Duggal & created by Vikram Bhatt?

Movies like Dangerous Ishhq with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dangerous Ishhq?

Three doppelgangers(one girl+ two boys).Two of them loves each other and get together from many lives .And the third one(who can't be killed easily)also wants the girl and he tries to separate them through many lives.

TAGLINE: "Searching for her Love... Through many Lives..."

Its release date is Friday May 11, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Romance & Thriller
Director Vikram Bhatt
Starring Karisma Kapoor & Rajneesh Duggal
Written by Girish Dhamija (dialogue) & Vikram Bhatt
Cinematography Pravin Bhatt
Music Himesh Reshammiya
Runtime 130 min

Other Romance movies by Vikram Bhatt

Deewane Huye Paagal | Nov 25th, 2005

Deewane Huye Paagal
5.3/10 | By Vikram Bhatt
India | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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Ghulam | Jun 19th, 1998

7.4/10 | By Vikram Bhatt
Crime, Drama & Romance
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video