Movies like Dark House to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Dark House with Lesley-Anne Down, Luke Kleintank, Tobin Bell & Zack Ward & created by Victor Salva?

Movies like Dark House with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dark House?

When Nick Di Santo learns that his father is not only alive but can possibly reveal the origin of his son's dark gift, he sets out on a trip that takes him to an abandoned mansion he thought only existed in his childhood imagination.

TAGLINE: "And so the beast created one."

Its release date is Friday March 14, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Dysfunctional Families
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Victor Salva
Starring Lesley-Anne Down, Luke Kleintank, Tobin Bell & Zack Ward
Location Mississippi
Written by Charles Agron (screenplay), Charles Agron (story) & Victor Salva (screenplay)
Cinematography Don E. Fauntleroy
Music Bennett Salvay & Benson Taylor
Runtime 102 min

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Jeepers Creepers 3 | Sep 26th, 2017

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Jeepers Creepers | Jul 1st, 2001

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Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Showtime Tubi TV Starz