Movies like Dark Skies to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Dark Skies with Dakota Goyo, J.K. Simmons, Josh Hamilton & Keri Russell & created by Scott Stewart & Scott Stewart (director)?

Movies like Dark Skies with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dark Skies?

As the Barrett family's peaceful suburban life is rocked by an escalating series of disturbing events, they come to learn that a terrifying and deadly force is after them, one which may have arrived from beyond the stars.

TAGLINE: "Once you have been chosen. You belong to them."

Its release date is Thursday February 21, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alien, Alien Invasions, Extraterrestrial Life, Fear, Horror, Suburbia & Supernatural
Genre Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Scott Stewart & Scott Stewart (director)
Starring Dakota Goyo, J.K. Simmons, Josh Hamilton & Keri Russell
Location Los Angeles
Written by Scott Stewart
Cinematography David Boyd (cinematographer)
Music Joseph Bishara
Runtime 97 min

Other Horror movies by Scott Stewart

Priest | May 5th, 2011

5.7/10 | By Scott Stewart
The United States | Action, Fantasy, Horror & Science Fiction
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Legion | Jan 21st, 2010

5.2/10 | By Scott Stewart
The United States | Horror & Paranormal & Occult
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Holidays | Apr 22nd, 2016

5.1/10 | By Adam Egypt Mortimer, Anthony Scott Burns, Dennis Widmyer, Ellen Reid, Gary Shore, Kevin Kolsch, Kevin Smith, Nicholas McCarthy, Sarah Adina Smith & Scott Stewart
United States of America | Comedy & Horror
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Other Horror movies written by Scott Stewart

Legion | Jan 21st, 2010

5.2/10 | By Scott Stewart
The United States | Horror & Paranormal & Occult
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz