Movies like Darkman to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Science Fiction movie Darkman with Colin Friels, Frances McDormand, Larry Drake & Liam Neeson & created by Sam Raimi?

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A brilliant scientist left for dead returns to exact revenge on the people who burned him alive.

TAGLINE: "They destroyed everything he had, everything he was. Now, crime has a new enemy and justice has a new face."

Its release date is Friday August 24, 1990

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Burn, Corruption, Experiment, Gangster, Los Angeles, Madness, Mask, Outsider, Revenge & Scientists
Genre Action, Crime & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Sam Raimi
Starring Colin Friels, Frances McDormand, Larry Drake & Liam Neeson
Location Los Angeles
Written by Chuck Pfarrer (screenplay), Daniel Goldin (screenplay), Ivan Raimi (screenplay), Joshua Goldin (screenplay), Sam Raimi (screenplay) & Sam Raimi (story)
Cinematography Bill Pope
Music Danny Elfman
Runtime 96 min

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Spider-Man 3 | May 1st, 2007

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Other Action movies written by Chuck Pfarrer (screenplay)

Virus | Jan 14th, 1999

4.9/10 | By John Bruno
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The Jackal | Nov 14th, 1997

The Jackal
6.4/10 | By Michael Caton-Jones
The United States | Action, Adventure & Thriller
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Red Planet | Nov 10th, 2000

Red Planet
5.7/10 | By Antony Hoffman
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