Movies like Darkness Waits to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Horror & Thriller movie Darkness Waits with Emily Whitcomb, Jim Krut, Scott Schiaffo & Waylon K. Smith?

Movies like Darkness Waits with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Darkness Waits?

Five college students embark on a paranormal investigation of Dead Woman’s Hollow Road, a hub of mysterious deaths and strange phenomena along the Appalachian Trail. The probe turns deadly when people in their camp begin dying. For those still alive, their only hope for survival is a wet behind the ears Sheriff who must come to terms with the fact that the darkness surrounding his quiet town isn’t supernatural, but an evil that’s very real.

TAGLINE: "When the righteous seek justice."

Its release date is Wednesday March 18, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Dark Comedy, Darkness, Evil Spirit, Horror, Low-budget, Pennsylvania, Sheriff, Thriller & Usa
Genre Crime, Horror & Thriller
Country United States of America
Starring Emily Whitcomb, Jim Krut, Scott Schiaffo & Waylon K. Smith
Place Italy
Location Rome