Movies like Dear John to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Romance & War movie Dear John with Amanda Seyfried, Channing Tatum, Henry Thomas & Richard Jenkins & created by Lasse Hallström?

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A romantic drama about a soldier who falls for a conservative college student while he's home on leave.

TAGLINE: "Love brought them together. Will fate tear them apart?"

Its release date is Thursday February 4, 2010

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Army, autism, Based On Book, based on novel, Long Distance Relationships, Love, U.s. Soldier & United States Army Special Forces
Genre Drama, Romance & War
Country The United States
Director Lasse Hallström
Starring Amanda Seyfried, Channing Tatum, Henry Thomas & Richard Jenkins
Place Charleston & South Carolina
Time 2000s
Location South Carolina
Written by Jamie Linden (screenplay) & Nicholas Sparks (novel)
Cinematography Terry Stacey
Music Deborah Lurie & Rachael Yamagata & Dan Wilson
Runtime 108 min

Other Drama movies by Lasse Hallström

Hachi: A Dog’s Tale | Jun 13th, 2009

Hachi: A Dog’s Tale
8.1/10 | By Lasse Hallström
The United States & United Kingdom | Drama & Family
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Other Drama movies written by Jamie Linden (screenplay)

We Are Marshall | Dec 12th, 2006

We Are Marshall
7.1/10 | By McG
The United States | Drama
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