Movies like Death at a Funeral to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Death at a Funeral with Andy Nyman, Ewen Bremner, Keeley Hawes & Matthew Macfadyen & created by Frank Oz?

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Chaos ensues when a man tries to expose a dark secret regarding a recently deceased patriarch of a dysfunctional British family.

TAGLINE: "Last rites... and wrongs."

Its release date is Friday August 17, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Age Difference, Coffin, Death & Grieving, Farewell, Funeral, Funerals, parent child relationship, Sadness, Secret & Sibling Relationship
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country United Kingdom
Director Frank Oz
Starring Andy Nyman, Ewen Bremner, Keeley Hawes & Matthew Macfadyen
Place England
Location England
Written by Dean Craig
Runtime 90 min

Other Comedy movies by Frank Oz

Housesitter | Jun 12th, 1992

6.1/10 | By Frank Oz
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The Stepford Wives | Jun 10th, 2004

The Stepford Wives
5.2/10 | By Frank Oz
The United States | Action, Comedy & Science Fiction
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Other Comedy movies written by Dean Craig

Caffeine | Mar 16th, 2007

5.6/10 | By John Cosgrove & Julie Debeljak
The United States | Comedy
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Death at a Funeral | Apr 15th, 2010

Death at a Funeral
5.7/10 | By Neil LaBute
United States of America | Comedy
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