Movies like Diggers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Diggers with Alena Savastova, Anna Vasileva, Roman Evdokimov & Vladimir Kuznetsov & created by Tikhon Kornev?

Movies like Diggers with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Diggers?

A couple hires a professional digger (underground structure explorer) to help them find their friends, who mysteriously disappeared in the subway.
Its release date is Thursday August 11, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Musical Theatre
Genre Horror
Country Russia
Director Tikhon Kornev
Starring Alena Savastova, Anna Vasileva, Roman Evdokimov & Vladimir Kuznetsov
Place New York City
Written by Aleksey Karaulov, Evgeny Kolyadintsev & Tikhon Kornev
Runtime 80 min

Other Horror movies written by Aleksey Karaulov

Vamps | Feb 22nd, 2017

4.3/10 | By Sergey Ginzburg
Russia | Action, Fantasy & Horror
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video