Movies like Drishyam 2 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Thriller movie Drishyam 2 with Ajay Devgn, Akshaye Khanna, Shriya Saran & Tabu & created by Abhishek Pathak?

Movies like Drishyam 2 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Drishyam 2?

A gripping tale of an investigation and a family which is threatened by it. Will Vijay Salgaonkar be able to protect his family this time?
Its release date is Friday November 18, 2022

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adapted From A Film
Genre Crime, Drama & Thriller
Country India
Director Abhishek Pathak
Starring Ajay Devgn, Akshaye Khanna, Shriya Saran & Tabu
Written by Aamil Keeyan Khan, Abhishek Pathak & Jeethu Joseph
Runtime 140 min