Movies like Encounters at the End of the World to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Encounters at the End of the World with & created by Werner Herzog?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Encounters at the End of the World?

Film-maker Werner Herzog travels to the McMurdo Station in Antarctica, looking to capture the continent's beauty and investigate the characters living there.

TAGLINE: "Off the map, things get strange."

Its release date is Saturday September 1, 2007

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Topic Documentary Antarctica & Ice
Genre Documentary
Country The United States
Director Werner Herzog
Written by Werner Herzog
Cinematography Peter Zeitlinger
Music David Lindley (musician)
Runtime 99 min

Other Documentary movies by Werner Herzog

Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet
7.3/10 | By Aki Kaurismäki, Jim Jarmusch, Kaige Chen, Spike Lee, Víctor Erice, Werner Herzog & Wim Wenders
China & Germany | Documentary & Drama
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Other Documentary movies written by Werner Herzog

Cave of Forgotten Dreams | Sep 10th, 2010

Cave of Forgotten Dreams
7.4/10 | By Werner Herzog
The United States & United Kingdom | Documentary & Family
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes Playstation

The Wild Blue Yonder | Sep 5th, 2005

The Wild Blue Yonder
6.2/10 | By Werner Herzog
Germany | Documentary, Drama & Science Fiction
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube

Bells from the Deep | Jan 1st, 1993

Bells from the Deep
7.4/10 | By Werner Herzog
Germany & The United States | Documentary
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