Movies like Enigma to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie Enigma with Dougray Scott, Jeremy Northam, Kate Winslet & Saffron Burrows & created by Michael Apted?

Movies like Enigma with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Enigma?

A young genius frantically races against time to crack an enemy code and solve the mystery surrounding the woman he loves.

TAGLINE: "Unlock the secret."

Its release date is Monday January 22, 2001

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cryptography, Cryptography Fiction, Friendship, Leave, Lover (female), Radio Transmission, Secret Formula, U Boat & World War Ii
Genre Drama, Mystery & Thriller
Country The Netherlands & United Kingdom
Director Michael Apted
Starring Dougray Scott, Jeremy Northam, Kate Winslet & Saffron Burrows
Place Buckinghamshire
Time 1943
Written by Robert Harris (novel) & Tom Stoppard (screenplay)
Cinematography Seamus McGarvey
Music John Barry (composer)
Runtime 119 min

Other Drama movies by Michael Apted

In America | Oct 31st, 2003

In America
8.1/10 | By Jim Sheridan & Michael Apted
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Gorky Park | Dec 15th, 1983

Gorky Park
6.8/10 | By Michael Apted
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Enough | May 24th, 2002

5.7/10 | By Michael Apted
The United States | Drama & Thriller
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