Movies like Evil Things to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Evil Things with Gail Cadden, Laurel Casillo, Morgan Hooper & Ryan Maslyn & created by Dominic Perez?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Evil Things?

On January 9, 2009, five college students left New York City for a weekend in the country. 48 hours later, all five students have simply vanished without a trace. There were no leads and no evidence - until now.
Its release date is Wednesday June 17, 2009

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Topic Found Footage
Genre Horror
Country United States of America
Director Dominic Perez
Starring Gail Cadden, Laurel Casillo, Morgan Hooper & Ryan Maslyn
Place New York (state)
Time 2009
Location New York (state)
Written by Dominic Perez
Runtime 86 min