Movies like Eye for an Eye to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie Eye for an Eye with Beverly D'Angelo, Ed Harris, Kiefer Sutherland & Sally Field & created by John Schlesinger?

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When the courts fail to keep behind bars the man who raped and murdered her daughter, a woman seeks her own form of justice.

TAGLINE: "What do you do when justice fails?"

Its release date is Friday January 12, 1996

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Grieving Parents, Gun, Miscarriage Of Justice, Rape, Revenge & Self-defense
Genre Drama & Thriller
Country The United States
Director John Schlesinger
Starring Beverly D'Angelo, Ed Harris, Kiefer Sutherland & Sally Field
Place California & Santa Monica
Written by Amanda Silver (screenplay), Erika Holzer (novel) & Rick Jaffa (screenplay)
Cinematography Amir M. Mokri
Music James Newton Howard
Runtime 101 min

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Midnight Cowboy
7.9/10 | By John Schlesinger
The United States | Drama
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