Movies like Faraway, So Close! to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Fantasy movie Faraway, So Close! with Bruno Ganz, Nastassja Kinski, Otto Sander & Peter Falk & created by Wim Wenders?

Movies like Faraway, So Close! with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Faraway, So Close!?

A group of angels in the German capital look longingly upon the life of humans.

TAGLINE: "Your favorite Angels are back!"

Its release date is Thursday September 9, 1993

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Angel, Angels, Berlin, Christianity, Friends, Rescue & Urban Life
Genre Drama & Fantasy
Country Germany
Director Wim Wenders
Starring Bruno Ganz, Nastassja Kinski, Otto Sander & Peter Falk
Place Berlin
Written by Richard Reitinger (script by), Ulrich Zieger (dialogue by), Ulrich Zieger (script by) & Wim Wenders (script by)
Cinematography Jürgen Jürges
Music Lou Reed
Runtime 140 min

Other Drama movies by Wim Wenders

The Scarlet Letter | Mar 13th, 1973

The Scarlet Letter
6.0/10 | By Wim Wenders
Germany & Spain | Drama & History
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