Movies like Feed the Devil to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Feed the Devil with Ardis Barrow, Brandon Perrault, Jared Cohn & Victoria Curtain & created by Max Perrier?

Movies like Feed the Devil with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Feed the Devil?

A hunt for easy money turns into a deadly search for a missing loved one as outsiders confront the evil forces behind a native American myth.
Its release date is Friday November 6, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Child Abduction, Dysfunctional Families, Satanism & Shapeshifting
Genre Horror
Country United Kingdom
Director Max Perrier
Starring Ardis Barrow, Brandon Perrault, Jared Cohn & Victoria Curtain
Place Thirteen Colonies
Time 1630s
Location Ontario
Written by Matthew Altman & Max Perrier
Runtime 95 min