Movies like Final Analysis to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Romance & Thriller movie Final Analysis with Eric Roberts, Kim Basinger, Richard Gere & Uma Thurman & created by Phil Joanou?

Movies like Final Analysis with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Final Analysis?

A psychiatrist becomes romantically involved with the sister of one of his patients, but the influence of her controlling gangster husband threatens to destroy them both.

TAGLINE: "Someone was seduced. Someone was set up. and before it was all over... someone was dead."

Its release date is Friday February 7, 1992

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Arson, Gangster, Infidelity, Lust, Murder, Psychiatrist, Psychiatry, Sex, Sister & Sisters
Genre Drama, Romance & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Phil Joanou
Starring Eric Roberts, Kim Basinger, Richard Gere & Uma Thurman
Place San Francisco & San Francisco Bay Area
Location San Francisco
Written by Robert Berger (story), Wesley Strick (screenplay) & Wesley Strick (story)
Cinematography Jordan Cronenweth
Music George Fenton
Runtime 124 min

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