Movies like Forbidden Beach to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Thriller movie Forbidden Beach with Jaime Garza, José Alonso, Óscar Alejandro & Sasha Montenegro & created by Enrique Gómez Vadillo?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Forbidden Beach?

An engineer moves into a bungalow on the beach next to a widow and her two boys. The older boy has a bit of an Oedipal complex and seems to like his mom.
Its release date is Thursday January 24, 1985

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Genre Crime, Drama & Thriller
Country Mexico
Director Enrique Gómez Vadillo
Starring Jaime Garza, José Alonso, Óscar Alejandro & Sasha Montenegro
Written by Carlos Valdemar
Runtime 80 min