Movies like Fort Bowie to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Western movie Fort Bowie with Ben Johnson, Jan Harrison, Kent Taylor & Peter Mamakos & created by Howard W. Koch?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Fort Bowie?

At Fort Bowie, Captain Thompson favors peace talks but Major Wharton advocates war with the renegade Apaches led by Chief Victorio.

TAGLINE: "MASSACRE! Flaming Terror!"

Its release date is Saturday February 1, 1958

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Apache & Fort
Genre Western
Country The United States
Director Howard W. Koch
Starring Ben Johnson, Jan Harrison, Kent Taylor & Peter Mamakos
Location Utah
Written by Maurice Tombragel (screenplay)
Cinematography Carl E. Guthrie
Music Les Baxter
Runtime 80 min