Movies like Four Brothers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Crime movie Four Brothers with André Benjamin, Garrett Hedlund, Mark Wahlberg & Tyrese Gibson & created by John Singleton?

Movies like Four Brothers with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Four Brothers?

When their adopted mother is gunned down in a store robbery the 'four brothers' investigated the murder for themselves & look for the killers but not all is what it seems.

TAGLINE: "They came home to bury mom... and her killer"

Its release date is Thursday August 11, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adoptive Mother, Arbitrary Law, Detroit, Families, Murder, Revenge, Robbery, Sibling Relationship, Thanksgiving & Violence
Genre Action & Crime
Country The United States
Director John Singleton
Starring André Benjamin, Garrett Hedlund, Mark Wahlberg & Tyrese Gibson
Place Detroit
Time 2004
Written by David Elliot & Paul Lovett
Cinematography Peter Menzies Jr.
Music David Arnold
Runtime 109 min

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