Movies like Fragtime to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation, Romance & Science Fiction movie Fragtime with Chika Anzai, Miku Ito, Miyuri Shimabukuro & Yume Miyamoto?

Movies like Fragtime with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Fragtime?

What would you do if you could stop time? Moritani for one is using her unusual ability to stop time for three minutes a day to observe the people around her. One day, she chooses to "observe" class idol Murakami's panties - only to find herself in a very compromising situation when her classmate turns out to be immune to her power.
Its release date is Friday November 22, 2019

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Topic Anime, Based On Manga, Girls, School, Shoujo-ai, Slice Of Life, Students & Yuri
Genre Animation, Romance & Science Fiction
Country Japan
Starring Chika Anzai, Miku Ito, Miyuri Shimabukuro & Yume Miyamoto