Movies like Freeze Die Come to Life to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Freeze Die Come to Life with Dinara Drukarova, Elena Popova, Pavel Nazarov & Valeri Ivchenko & created by Vitali Kanevsky?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Freeze Die Come to Life?
Two children living in a remote mining town in the distant wastes of Siberia in 1947, survive poverty and hardship through the warmth of their friendship and a shared sense of humour.
Its release date is Wednesday August 1, 1990
Its release date is Wednesday August 1, 1990
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Children, Children On The Run, Postwar Period & Poverty |
Genre | Drama |
Country | Russia |
Director | Vitali Kanevsky |
Starring | Dinara Drukarova, Elena Popova, Pavel Nazarov & Valeri Ivchenko |
Written by | Vitali Kanevsky |
Cinematography | Vladimir Brylyakov |
Music | Sergey Banevich |
Runtime | 105 min |