Movies like Girls! Girls! Girls! to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Music & Romance movie Girls! Girls! Girls! with Elvis Presley, Jeremy Slate, Laurel Goodwin & Stella Stevens & created by Norman Taurog?

Movies like Girls! Girls! Girls! with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Girls! Girls! Girls!?

When he finds out his boss is retiring to Arizona, a sailor has to find a way to buy the Westwind, a boat that he and his father built. He is also caught between two women: insensitive club singer Robin and sweet Laurel.

TAGLINE: "A dreamboat of a drama."

Its release date is Wednesday November 21, 1962

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Captain & Charter Boat
Genre Comedy, Music & Romance
Country United States of America
Director Norman Taurog
Starring Elvis Presley, Jeremy Slate, Laurel Goodwin & Stella Stevens
Place Hawaii
Location Hawaii
Written by Allan Weiss (screenplay), Allan Weiss (story) & Edward Anhalt (screenplay)
Runtime 106 min

Other Comedy movies by Norman Taurog

Double Trouble | Feb 14th, 1992

Double Trouble
3.9/10 | By John Paragon & Norman Taurog
Action, Comedy & Music
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Vudu

Strike Me Pink | Jan 24th, 1936

Strike Me Pink
7.0/10 | By Norman Taurog
United States of America | Comedy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube

The Caddy | Aug 10th, 1953

The Caddy
6.5/10 | By Norman Taurog
The United States | Comedy
Amazon Video Vudu iTunes

Other Comedy movies written by Allan Weiss (screenplay)

Paradise, Hawaiian Style | Jun 15th, 1966

Paradise, Hawaiian Style
5.6/10 | By Michael D. Moore
United States of America | Comedy, Music & Romance
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes