Movies like Goldengirl to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Science Fiction movie Goldengirl with Curd Jürgens, James Coburn, Robert Culp & Susan Anton & created by Joseph Sargent?

Movies like Goldengirl with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Goldengirl?

A neo-Nazi doctor tries to make a superwoman of his daughter who has been specially fed, exercised, and conditioned since she was a child to run in the Olympics.

TAGLINE: "These five men have developed, trained and programmed this stunning blonde to accomplish feats no human being has ever done before. They all stand to make a fortune, if they can just keep her together."

Its release date is Saturday October 6, 1979

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Olympic Games & Olympic Track Field
Genre Drama & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Joseph Sargent
Starring Curd Jürgens, James Coburn, Robert Culp & Susan Anton
Place Moscow
Time 1980 & 1980 Summer Olympic Games
Written by John Kohn & Peter Lovesey (novel)
Cinematography Stevan Larner
Music Bill Conti
Runtime 104 min

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