Movies like Gosford Park to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie Gosford Park with Clive Owen, Geraldine Somerville, Helen Mirren & Maggie Smith & created by Robert Altman?
Movies like Gosford Park with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Gosford Park?
The lives of upstairs guests and downstairs servants at a party in 1932 in a country house in England as they investigate a murder involving one of them.
Its release date is Wednesday November 7, 2001
The lives of upstairs guests and downstairs servants at a party in 1932 in a country house in England as they investigate a murder involving one of them.
TAGLINE: "Tea at four. Dinner at eight. Murder at midnight."
Its release date is Wednesday November 7, 2001
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Butler, Countess, Country Estate, Industrialist, Inspector, Murder, Servant & Weekend |
Genre | Drama, Mystery & Thriller |
Country | Germany & United Kingdom |
Director | Robert Altman |
Starring | Clive Owen, Geraldine Somerville, Helen Mirren & Maggie Smith |
Place | Country Houses & England |
Time | 1932 |
Location | England |
Written by | Bob Balaban (based upon an idea by), Julian Fellowes & Robert Altman (based upon an idea by) |
Cinematography | Andrew Dunn (cinematographer) |
Music | Patrick Doyle |
Runtime | 131 min |