Movies like Gotti to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & History movie Gotti with John Travolta, Kelly Preston, Pruitt Taylor Vince & Stacy Keach & created by Kevin Connolly?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Gotti?

The story of crime boss John Gotti and his son.

TAGLINE: "He showed the world who's boss."

Its release date is Friday June 15, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 1970s, Betrayal, Biographical American Gangsters, Biographical Criminals, Biographical Mobsters, Biography, Gangster, Godfather, Loyalty, Organized Crime & Violence
Genre Crime, Drama & History
Country United States of America
Director Kevin Connolly
Starring John Travolta, Kelly Preston, Pruitt Taylor Vince & Stacy Keach
Location Ohio
Written by Lem Dobbs & Leo Rossi
Cinematography Michael Barrett (cinematographer)
Runtime 112 min

Other Crime movies written by Lem Dobbs

The Limey | May 15th, 1999

The Limey
7.1/10 | By Steven Soderbergh
The United States | Action, Crime & Drama
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